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En esta formación:

  • Aprenderás sistemática y sólidamente los principios de la Psicología de Carl Gustav Jung.

  • Potenciarás tu autoconocimiento y desarrollo personal a partir de los aportes psicoterapéuticos junguianos.

  • Incorporarás herramientas para mejorar la relación contigo mismo y con los demás.

Características del curso:

  • Totalmente virtual, asincrónico (a tu ritmo) con acceso a la plataforma full-time (24 x 7).

  • Modalidad intensiva (8 clases), teórico-práctica, con ejercicios para realizar durante la semana.

  • 8 horas (aprox.) de videos (clases explicativas).

  • Audios de clases para descargar.

  • Fichas formativas (PDF) para descargar.

  • Material de lectura especializado para descargar.

  • Encuentros sincrónicos opcionales (por Zoom).

  • Posibilidad de optar por entrega de certificado al finalizar el curso (opcional); requiere de presentación de un trabajo final integrador.

  • No se requieren conocimientos previos


  • Lic. Marcelo Aguirre


I.  About this formation


In this training you will learn what they are and how to apply the maincontributions of theAnalytical Psychology,current created by the Swiss psychiatristCarl Gustav Jung(1875-1961), considered one of the pioneers of modern psychology. 


Jung is well known for his contributions related tocollective unconsciousand itsarchetypes—These are the formal matrices of the symbols and myths that we find in all cultures, and that also appear in dreams and certain spiritual experiences. From a therapeutic point of view, he proposed a dynamic model of integration of opposites in the individual psyche, theindividuation process, in which various aspects of the psyche become conscious and integrate: what we believe to be (the Mask), what we reject (the Shadow), the masculine (the Animus) and the feminine (the Soul)... At the same time that said psychic integration is gestating the emergence of the Self, the integrating Totality. 


In addition, Jung was interested in classifying thepsychological typesaccording to two general attitudes:introversionYextraversion, combined with the four basic mental functions:thought, feeling, sensation and intuition. He postulated thesynchronicity principleto explain the occurrence of apparently fortuitous phenomena linked from themeaning coincidence


In short, due to his great open-mindedness and descent into the depths of the human psyche, Jung, with his varied and complex contributions, was an authentic "Pandora's Box" for his time, and today he is a source of inspiration for all those that, without dogmatism, seek to integrate mind and spirit. 


II.  Modality of the course and recipients


This training has a theoretical-experiential nature, online. Classes in explanatory videos with access 24 hours a day, every day of the week. Total duration of the course: 2 months. It is aimed at psychotherapists and other health professionals, life coaches, adults in any professional area, and the general public. No prior knowledge is required. 

III.  Material included in the course


  • Explanatory videos (on the platform - access for one year).

  • Audios of guided meditations / exercises (to download).

  • PDF of each module (to download).

  • Selection of texts for personal didactic use by students (to download).

IV.  Certificate

  • A certificate is delivered at the end of the course. Requirement: carry out an integrating final work (signposts and form, on the platform). 

V.  Benefits: How this training will impact your life


«Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, wakes up.»  

~ Carl G. Jung 





Jung's psychology invites us to become friends with —recognize, integrate, transform— the dark and light aspects of our Shade. That is to say, Jung invites us to integrate into consciousness those aspects that we reject in others and that are part (deep down) of ourselves; and also integrate those underdeveloped aspects that are latent within us, from which our current life could well be enriched. 

Jungian psychology provides us with valuable distinctions that we can profitably apply in our daily lives: it allows us to explore our personality style (introvert - extravert, with its variants); invites us to learn to decode, little by little, the symbolic language of the individual and collective unconscious; opens us to a journey towards the integration of opposites, a journey in which we recognize ourselves as companions of all human beings. 

SAW.  Objectives

  • Achieve a systematic and solidly founded understanding of the main pillars of Jungian psychology: the general map of the psyche; psychological types; the collective unconscious and its archetypes, with its various manifestations; the individuation process.   

  • Apply the main contributions of Jungian psychology to personal development, through exercises proposed for each week of the course.

  • Incorporate the proper use of Jungian distinctions to manage healthy changes in the field of relationships with oneself and with others.



VII.  Contents

Module 1. Introduction

Biographical data of Carl Gustav Jung. His relationship with Sigmund Freud and the discrepancy between the two about libido. Presentation of central concepts of Jungian psychology: indeterminate psychic energy, the collective unconscious, archetypes and the individuation process. Exercises for the week.


Module 2. Psychological types

General attitudes: extraversion and introversion. The basic psychological functions: thinking, feeling, sensation, intuition. Description of the eight personality types. Ways of being and thinking: how the dominant type of personality influences the processing of experience. Exercises for the week. 


Module 3. Jung's view of the psyche

What does Jung understand by psyche. compensation law. Ego, personal unconscious and collective unconscious. Exercises for the week. Some access routes to the unconscious. psychological complexes; its location the general scheme of the psyche and its imimportance in therapeutic treatment. Exercises for the week.

module4. The collective unconscious and its archetypes

Conceptual delimitation of the collective unconscious. What are they and what functions   fulfill the archetypes. Some archetypes: the mother, the father, the hero, the wise old man, the anima, the animus, the shadow (dark and golden aspects), the self (the whole). Symbolic manifestations of the archetypes. Exercises for the week. 

Module 5. The individuation process

Jungian perspective of human, individual and collective development. Implications of the individuation process. Relations between the ego, the shadow and the self. The importance of dream interpretation in the individuation process. The technique of active imagination. Applications.The principle of synchronicity. Exercises for the week. 


Module 6.Dreams, myths and synchronicity

The Jungian approach to oneiric (dreams) and mythological symbology. Main dream archetypes. Examples of myths as variants of the hero myth (the monomyth). Dream classification. The main functions of dreams. Guidelines for the interpretation of dreams from the Jungian approach. Exercises for the week.

Module 7. Jungian psychotherapy

The role of the therapist in the integration process. The Jungian approach to transference and countertransference. Techniques: word association; daily; amplification; active imagination; plastic expression. Work with dreams. Synchronicity as a source of insight. Approaching complexes. The religious function of the psyche. Exercises for the week.  


Module 8. Jung's legacy

Jung's influence on literature, art. psychology and other fields. The role of the divine, religion and spirituality in the individuation process. Symbolism as a catalyst for personal development. Exercises for the week.


Module 9. Integration

Consignmentas to prepare the final integrative work.​

VIII.  Bibliography

  • Chislovski, A. (1994).Jung and the individuation process. Buenos Aires: Mainland.

  • Fordham, F. (1953).Introduction to Jung's psychology.Madrid: Morata.

  • Giardini, A. et al. (2016).Understanding Psychology: Carl Gustav Jung. Barcelona: Salvat. 

  • Jung, CG (1969). Complexes and the unconscious. Buenos Aires: Alliance.

  • Jung, CG (1952). Transformation symbols. Buenos Aires: Paidos. 

  • Jung, CG et al. (1964). The man and his symbols. Barcelona: Caralt.

  • Jung, CG (1940). The reality of the soul. Buenos Aires: Losada.

  • Jung, CG (1971). Psychological types. Buenos Aires: South American. 

  • Jung, CG (2002).Memories, dreams, thoughts.Buenos Aires: Planeta 

  • Jung, C.G. (1921).Psychological Types.The Collected Works of CG Jung, Vol. 6. New York: Pantheon Books.

  • Jung, C.G. (1928).Two Essays on Analytical Psychology.The Collected Works of CG Jung, Vol. 7. New York: Pantheon Books.

  • Jung, C.G. (1952).The Structure of the Psyche.The Collected Works of CG Jung, Vol. 8. New York: Pantheon Books.

  • Jung, C.G. (1955).The Concept of the Collective Unconscious.The Collected Works of CG Jung, Vol. 9. New York: Pantheon Books.

  • Jung, CG (1961).Memories, Dreams, Reflections.Recorded and edited by Aniela Jaffé. New York: Vintage Books.

  • Jung, C.G. (1933a).The Practical Use of Dream-Analysis.The Collected Works of CG Jung, Vol. 16, Part Two. New York: Pantheon Books.

  • Las Heras, A. (2008).Jungian Psychology Manual.Buenos Aires: Plot.

  • Pellegrino, D. (1974). Dreams: Their profound dimension. Nature and interpretation of dreams in Jung. Buenos Aires: Il Dante.

  • Robertson, R. (2002). Introduction to Jungian psychology.Buenos Aires: Obelisk.


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Image by Ashley Batz
Image by Timon Studler
« Committing to our values means that change always starts here and now. »
  ~ Steven Hayes
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